You would be quite surprised if we told you that companies and clubs in the sports industry are users of containers. Yes, that’s right, we are talking about those shipping containers with which products are transported all over the world. But why exactly in the sports industry their use is at such a high level, and how do they manage to find a suitable application for something so huge? I think you would be amazed at the ways these metal boxes can be used, and maximize the space inside them.
Today we will present to you several ways in which this industry can make the most of containers. So let’s get right to it.
1. They are used as souvenir shops
Yes, that’s right. Have you ever visited a stadium or sports hall where a sporting event was played? Or you visited the headquarters of your favorite football team. All these places have souvenir shops where you can buy jerseys, hats, scarves, clothes, key chains, magnets, mugs, and so on, with the emblem of your favorite team. But have you noticed where exactly these shops are located within the stadium or hall? Probably because of the huge excitement to buy some item that will wear the colors of your favorite team, you did not notice that in most cases these stores are located right in shipping containers. It sounds strange, but it’s the truth. Due to the large selection of products displayed in the store, you cannot notice that it is actually a metal box. Even the outer part of the container can be well disguised so that you don’t recognize that the store is actually a shipping container. Also, these boxes are quite spacious and are ideal for this type of business such as selling souvenirs. As a plus benefit, they are really hard to break into and steal valuables from.
2. Storage of sports equipment
As we already mentioned the theft of valuables. These metal boxes are really good safes where valuables such as sports equipment can be stored. I think it is crystal clear to us how much sports equipment can be worth if it is really high-quality and first-class equipment. Soccer balls, tennis rackets, ski equipment, and even car parts used in motorsports can be stored here. Since the inside of the box is quite large, sports equipment worth several million dollars can be placed inside.
3. Athletes use them as changing rooms
Although it is a public secret, sports clubs are very careful about their employees, i.e. the athletes who play for the club. And they want to provide the players with the best possible conditions so that they can keep them in the clubs. So, for example, some football or basketball teams have mobile locker rooms that are made especially for the players. Guess what these dressing rooms are made of? That’s right, from shipping containers. These huge metal boxes are quite functional for this kind of need. All that is required is to hire a company that will install everything you need inside, from lockers, showers, benches, mini kitchen, lounge beds, and everything you could imagine. Put the box on some wheels and you already have a mini home for your soccer players.
4. Cafeterias or restaurants
As hard as athletes train, they also want to have some time to relax and unwind. That’s why people and companies in the sports industry invest in exactly these bulky metal things. They can be converted into much more than a dressing room. For example, they can be done in cafeterias or restaurants where athletes, but also other people and ordinary citizens, can enjoy a good meal or a hot or cold drink. All that is required is to buy or rent the largest container and equip it with the furniture needed to operate a cafeteria or restaurant. Often these metal boxes are also used as stands in front of or in stadiums where spectators can buy snacks or something to drink during halftime. If you’re wondering where these empty boxes are sold that can later be used in very clever ways, one of the biggest sellers when it comes to selling shipping containers is On this website, you can find a lot of useful information on this topic, such as how much it would cost you if you want to rent or buy such a storage box, what dimensions the container can be, and how it can be delivered to you, whether it can be equipped inside with shelves or lighting, door size and locking and so on.
5. Ticket sales
Although nowadays most people practice buying their tickets for sports matches online, this option is not always available. For some unknown reason, event organizers often decide to turn off online ticket sales. Fans would then be forced to go to the venue in front of the stadium or hall and buy their ticket on the spot before the start of the match. The counters where the tickets are sold are located exactly in such a container where more counters can be placed and avoid crowds, or some of the spectators miss the beginning of the match.
And here we come to the end of this article which we were very pleased to share this information with you today. You can be sure that sports companies and clubs have found a really interesting and functional way to make the best of these metal containers. Today we have presented you the ways that in our opinion were some of the best, but there are still many other uses for shipping containers.
As time goes by other industries are starting to adopt this way of working and use these boxes to make their businesses easier or better. It only remains for us to follow and observe the developments on this topic and see which other industries will try to follow this trend and incorporate these shipping containers into their operations. We can freely say that people like these new ideas, and somehow support them. What can we expect next? We just have to wait and see.