5 Ways Sports Will Change In The Future

Sports Is Always Evolving

For many years now, sport has evolved far beyond being a simple pastime exercise. There are now millions of dollars spent yearly on research, technology, coaching and many other factors that make up the world’s leading sporting industries, teams and athletes. Experts have also been figuring out ways to make interactivity and immersion more of an important factor for the audience. A full audience of supporters is essential for the workings of the sporting industry, as, after investors, their attention is what will ultimately pay and support the sport, borgataonline explains more here on how that works. Explaining sports and describing sporting events to the younger generation may prove to be a hard task in the future due to some of the changes and regulations those in charge are trying to implement, and so we may not even see major league events in a stadium again.

Virtual Reality

Due to the sheer brilliance of our mobile devices and technology, going to stadiums may be a thing of the past! Those stadium days could become a completely online experience, with the introduction of so many virtual reality machines offering insane capabilities – such as the Google Glass. With Google Glass, users can wear a voice-and-motion-controlled Android device that displays information directly into their field of vision. You are basically Tony Stark from Iron Man, and this is one of the gadgets they plan to use to turn the stadium space into an online experience not only for the crowd, but the coaches too.

Source: pixabay.com

However, that being said, the coaches will have hubs where they control the game with more advanced technology. For the most part, that technology is already implemented with headsets in helmets and built-in cameras, amongst other technological tools, to make for easier communication and added vision enhancement to make analyses after a match. At first, it may be confusing to not see Mourinho moving up and down the pitch screaming like a wild banshee, but after some time, it will all feel more like the new normal. After all, it is far harder for a coach to make critical decisions with him having to run up and down the pitch.

Consider a scenario where he is in a room with other coaches who are monitoring screens, with multiple angles of the match, also having the ability to speak to the team and make critical decisions while looking at the entirety instead of whichever part of the pitch he has run to at that moment.

Robots Over Humans

Sports induced injuries regularly end sportsperson’s careers – instantly – and cause irreversible damage to their mental state as well. As this is a big area of contention for most athletes, scientists have been looking for ways to implement the use of robots as competitors to replace sportspeople. This change is not likely to happen for at least another decade, but it is definitely something to look out for. Fifteen years from now, it might not be out of the ordinary to see the next ping pong Olympic champion be an AI-controlled robot humanoid. The main issue is athletes have to work extremely hard to be the best, and sometimes the fruits of their labor don’t show, as the sport is not really one that brings much fame or fortune. Then, in addition, the injuries they can endure can be adversely life-changing and really not worth the potential moment of glory. This profound moment may also come at the expense of an athlete’s ability to further compete just to satisfy audiences – audiences who sometimes crucify the athlete for underperforming, which further adds to why it simply is not always worth it for them to continue.

Source: pixabay.com

Rise of Esports

Although controversial, it would be unfair to count out Esports as it is one of the biggest sporting platforms the world has. The Esports scene is constantly growing as new players enter the space. Furthermore, it is possible to play Esports and games anywhere in the world. It takes no more than a computer and an internet connection to play with someone from another country. Hence, the industry is extremely accessible to all people. In ten years, nothing will be stopping this platform from becoming the biggest one in sporting history.

For those still trying to work out how this is actually classified as a sport, bear in mind that chess and other games that simply require focus, skill, and a training regimen without having to be physically active do exist. The definition of sport is an activity that combines physical exertion and skill in which players compete against one another. And after you see the training regimen that a professional gamer has to go through, you may not be so quick to count them out.

Source: pixabay.com

Sports And Chill

Due to the fall of popularity in the television space, the monetization of sports has not been as successful. It is being said that there will be a new way of tuning in to your favorite sports soon. If you have not noticed already, they are doing more and more Pay-Per-View sporting events. In the future, they will have figured out how to turn it into a Netflix-like space, where you can choose exactly what you want to stream live instead of having channels on TV that show sport between advertisements and repeats.

New Technology

It was only a few years ago that technology such as VR and RFID chips and many other innovations did not yet exist in the sports scene. With the rapid production of new technology expected in the future, there will not only be newer and improved technology for us to benefit from, but also potentially neurological technology that could change the “doping” scene in teams and athletes. The use of drugs or methods that enhance cognitive function among athletes, chess players or Esport players is known as neuro-doping. It’s already happening, and now with the added power of the new technologies being introduced into the sporting sphere, the possibilities are endless. Investors are putting in millions to develop new technology to be used in sports, from the introduction of crypto payments amongst many other things that will impact the platform in the years to come. Most of it will be to the audience’s benefit and to create a more fair sporting experience as a whole.