How to Clean Goalkeeper Gloves – 2023 Guide

Cleanliness and hygiene have become a priority over everything else after this pandemic. The same is the case for cleaning goalkeeper gloves. The material used for keeper gloves might catch fungus if not cleaned properly. Keeping all in consideration, let us discuss how to clean goalie gloves here:

The Essence of Washing Goalie Gloves:

Keeper gloves are a protective shield of your goalie’s hands. They have a remarkable capability of absorbing the pressure and force of that fast-moving ball without hurting the goalkeeper’s hand. To avoid any slip and to ensure the best grip followings steps should be performed to clean goalkeeper gloves:

Washing New Soccer Goalie Gloves:

It is worthy to wash and dry your keeper gloves before making the first attempt over them. If you failed to wash them before first use you will be extremely disappointed as it will not provide you a best fit tight grip.

Cleaning the Gloves of a Goal Keeper Immediately:

As soon as you finish your goal game, go to wash your pair of gloves at first most priority. If you do not prioritize this cleansing, the grime and dirt might start to settle within the material. This may cause the drying of the padding material, which ultimately ends up in breakage. Watch the video below to learn How to clean goalkeeper gloves.

Drying of your keeper gloves:

You can use any best glove dryer. But trying to make them dry as quickly as possible may result in serious implications for the life and quality of goalkeeper gloves. So, try to select a proactive approach and wash them right after your game so that they have time to get dry naturally.

How to clean the Gloves of a Goal Keeper:

Step by Step Guide:

To prolong the life of your goalie glove, follow the guide given below to wash them:

  • First and foremost, check the label of the goalie glove to get the prescribed instructions for washing them and check if the pair is fingersave or not.
  • Generally, the temperature suitable for the wash is 30 Degree Celsius or 8 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • It is wise to give them a hand wash instead of a machine wash. The swirl of the washing machine may cause the breakage of padding material.
  • Don’t use any scrubbing tool. Such tools immensely affect the grip of gloves wrist closures. It is better to let them soak in soapy water for a while to remove that stubborn dust.
  • Lastly, as for drying an eminent approach is to opt for natural slow dry. Don’t rush to dry your gloves quickly. As such haste can badly damage your gloves quality, padding, grip, and looks.